
Prof. Serkan Eryılmaz
Department of Industrial Engineering
TUBITAK Incentive Award - 2017
He was honored by Incentive Award thanks to his highly qualified studies on system reliability in the field of stochastic models/processes in operations research.

Prof.Dr. Atilla Cihaner
Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
2015 TÜBİTAK Incentive Award
He was honored by this award thanks to his highly qualified studies on electrochromic polymers in the field of chemistry and material sciences.
2012 METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Foundation Research Incentive Award
He was honored by this award thanks to his highly qualified studies on the synthesis of green colored electrochromic polymers and stable polymeric materials under ambient condition.
2012 FABED Outstanding Young Scientist Award
He was honored by this award thanks to his highly qualified scientific studies on polymer chemistry.
2010 Turkish Academy of Sciences Outstanding Young Scientists Award (TÜBA-GEBİP)
He was honored by this award thanks to his highly qualified scientific studies on polymer chemistry

Prof. Dr. Yılser Devrim
Department of Energy Systems Engineering
2022 Nezat Veziroğlu Special Award, Hydrogen Technologies Award
She was honored by this award thanks to her highly qualified scientific studies on hydrogen technology.
2019 METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Foundation Technology Encouragement Award
She was honored by this award thanks to her highly qualified studies on fuel cell and hydrogen energy researches.
2019 TÜBİTAK Project Performance Award
She was awarded by the “TÜBİTAK Project Performance Award” thanks to her TÜBİTAK 1001 research project “Design and Development of the High Temperature Fuel Cell Fueled by Reformate Gases for Evaluation of Micro-Cogeneration Application".

Bülent Ünal, PhD
Department of Industrial Design
A Design Award & Competition - International Design Contest Award - 2017
In “A Design Award & Competition”, he was honored by Silver Award in “Baby - Children Products Design” category thanks to his tray design “Deniz” which allows babies to listen to tales/stories while eating and Bronze Award in “Idea Design” category thanks to his “Flip Flop” design which provides more than one diameters for gas burners in ovens.

Prof. Bilgin Kaftanoğlu
Department of Manufacturing Engineering
Metallic Ideas 2nd R&D Project Market Award - 2013
He was honored by the third prize in Academicians category thanks to his research project executed as a master thesis on Development of Boron Nitride Coating Process also supported by BAP and BOREN.

Assoc. Prof. Hilal Türkoğlu Şaşmazel
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) / For Women in Science Award-2009
She was honored this award thanks to her valuable research studies in Materials Science.