> 2011-2012 Research Project Calls

Atilim University has launched the 2011-2012 Academic Year research project proposal calls. 

There are three research programmes as  ALP (Research Lab. Projects), BAP (Scientific Research Projects), and LAP (Undergradute Research Projects) . Detailed information is available on ARGEDA web pages, for programme calls: http://argeda.atilim.edu.tr/en/atu-research-support-programs  , for application  forms:  http://argeda.atilim.edu.tr/en/forms

Project proposal calls  will be open untill 29th June, 2011 ,17:00hr.

For further information and support :

ARGEDA Coordination Office:

phone: 312 586 8363

e-mail: argeda@atilim.edu.tr

web: http://argeda.atilim.edu.tr/