improving the performance of global software development learning teams

International Project: Improving the Performance of Global Software Development Learning Teams
(University of Noth Texas, US - Atılım University, Turkey - Panama Technological University, Panama, - Middlesex University, UK)

Project Overview:

This is a NSF grant research project. In this project, we are concentrating on 'global learning teams'. We are looking at culture, time zones, etc and their affect on student performance. The idea is that when the teams are closer together (in both culture and times zones) they will do better. Our 'question' is: which makes the most difference? and. which part of the programming process(requirements, development, testing, etc) is this difference the biggest?.

There are several project assignments. The first project assignment was pe by performed by US and UK, the second was between UK and Panama. The third is going to be conducted by US, Turkey and Panama.

Project Members:

  • Prof. Dr. Kathleen Swigger, University of North Texas, USA
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robert Brazile, University of North Texas, USA
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Middle East Technical University, TURKEY
  • Dr. Fatma Cemile Serçe, Atılım Üniversity, TURKEY
  • Dr. Victor Lopez, Panama Technological University, PANAMA
  • Dr. Georgios Dafoulas, Middlesex University, UK

Project Participants:

There will be teams of 9 people assigned to each team; 3 from the US (the University of North Texas), 3 from Turkey (Atilim), and 3 from Panama (Panama Technological University).

Students taking "COMPE 438 Java Programming" course is participating to the project from Turkey. It will last three weeks. It will run from April 7 - April 28.


  1. A certificate of participation
  2. Active participants will receive a 1 gig memory stick
  3. A "Best Team" will be selected (a best team is defined as one that succeeds, and one that has FULL participation from EVERYONE in the group(s) and has a working program). Each member of the 'best team' will receive either a MP3 player or a Web cam, depending on what they want. There will also be a 'second best' team selected, who will then receive either a MP3 or Web cam, depending on what remains after the best team has selected their prizes.